Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Labor Day

I know this is a little dated, but I had nothing else new to blog and have been meaning to get pictures of Labor day posted earlier. Clint's parents flew in for an extended weekend. The boys and I went to pick them up from the airport in St. Louis and went to the zoo for the afternoon. Here are a couple pics from the train. This was probably Jace's favorite part, except maybe the camels. After the zoo we headed back to Columbia for the night. On Friday we went to Kansas City to the Great Wolf Lodge. It was a blast. It was basically a large hotel with an indoor water park. They had an outdoor pool area too. The room was great. It was decorated like a lodge would be and had a little log cabin with bunk beds in it. Jace loved his new room as he called it. The following pictures are of Hayden swimming with his pops (Jace swimming on his own, with floaties, behind them) and Jace counting to 3 before he jumps in to his daddy.
On Monday Clint and his dad played golf why the boys and Sandra and I hung out. We had a great time and would recommend anyone going there. They have one opening up in Grapevine too sometime soon I believe.

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