Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 30, 2007

a couple things

I just wanted to share with everyone that Hayden is beginning to sit up. It is so exciting. This is the one thing I have been waiting for him to do. I can't just leave him yet, he still likes to try and nose dive. It is so nice that he can sit there and play though. It looks like Jace is trying to hold Hayden up by his head, he was just patting it though.

Now for something totally different. Have you ever been trying to discipline your child, and they make you laugh. It totally negates what you are trying to do. Tonight at dinner we just couldn't help ourselves. Jace was trying to lay on his belly on the table during dinner. I was getting on to him and telling him how we need to remain on our bottom while we eat. Well he gives me this little smile while I am trying to talk to him. It is his "Aren't I too cute to get in trouble" smile. I told him this was not funny. Then he decides to crack this huge fake smile. Clint and I both started laughing. Of course Jace thought he was so funny that he kept doing it, and we just kept laughing. I still won this battle though, Didn't I?
And finally. Does any parent look at their child and think "He's not too bad looking I guess." I like to assume they all feel the same way I do. I think my boys are so incredibly adorable. Not just a mothers adorable, but a EVERYONE must feel my kids are so cute adorable. Not sure if that made sense, but I think you get the point.


Jill said...

I think they're adorable, too.

:-) Jill

Sandi said...

Me, too. :)